Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Throwback Post: A Wash of a Project

*Throwback Post #17*

The weather here in Florida can be pretty fickle - one minute it's sunny, the next it's pouring, then it clears up, the sun comes out and all's great!

This was the case last Saturday as we were scheduled to help out with a service project with an organization called Pathways to Prosperity. The day started out with a light drizzle and slight confusion among the members since we were really unaware of what our duties for the day were going to be. We were informed that the organizers were rounding up tents to put up so that those participating didn't get wet. Until those tents arrived (along with the tables, chairs, and other activities), we were in a holding pattern.

Upon the arrival of the tents and other equipment, half of our group headed out in to the dreariness and put up the tents, tables, chairs - and then waited. Waited for further instructions. Waited for people to show up. Waited for a break in the weather. None of those things ever came. After being outside for a couple of hours, the event was finally called. We were thanked for coming out and helped tear down. The tear down process was actually very comical because as we disassembled the tents and other equipment, a few of our members (myself included) were dumped on with standing water that had become collected in the tent tarps while they were standing. That little bit of entertainment made the being in the rain worth it - sort of.

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